BAKU: President Voiced Our Principal And Just Position In Karabakh C

by Elnur Aslanov
March 24 2010

"The speech of Ilham Aliyev during the festivities on Novruz has become
an important sign to those who still try to dictate to Azerbaijan
in the issues of national development strategy. Along with this, the
president has voiced a principal and just position of Azerbaijan in
the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

Naturally, this causes fear in Armenia of the growing military and
political, as well as economic strength of Azerbaijan. Therefore,
people in Armenia voice thoughts that usually reflect irrationalism
and absence of constructivism of the Armenian political establishment.

Thus, the statement made by the deputy Armenian FM is rather a speech
of a person who is far from the everyday and political realities
than of an official or, even so more, a diplomat. Therefore, I do not
consider it necessary to comment this heresy. I would like to remind
the priority part of President Ilham Aliyev’s speech to people similar
to him:

"The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has never been a subject of
discussion. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored.

The occupational troops must be withdrawn from all the occupied lands
and the Azerbaijani citizens must return there", Elnur Aslanov,
chief of department of political analysis and information under
the presidential administration of Azerbaijan, has commented on the
statement of Shavarsh Kocharyan made to Russian Regnum news agency.


Acc ording to Aslanov, today time works in favor of Azerbaijan which
is strengthening as a regional leader and an inseparable component
of the energy security of the European space. Therefore, Armenian
diplomats and politicians should rather pay a greater attention
to with the political, financial and the overall economic problems
of their society than do a good face under a bad game. "What does
the Armenian leadership give to the residents of Nagorno Karabakh
except for tales about independence? Today the Karabakh residents
are captives of the mercantile interests of their field commanders
and the Armenian leadership.

The Armenian financial structure which is fully dependant on the
external transfers of the diaspora organizations will blast like a
bubble. And what will the residents of Nagorno Karabakh have to do
then? I think it is extremely important to remind another important
and essential position voiced by the Azerbaijani president during
the speech on March 20 to the deputy Armenian FM who does not want
to see the realities: We will raise our defence costs every year,
strengthen army, purchase new arms and do so that the armed forces of
Azerbaijan could fulfil the order of the Supreme Commander within a
short period of time and at any minute. This is our sovereign right",
Aslanov concluded.