D. Shahnazaryan: Turkey Is Losing Its Superiorities


March 24 2010

The statement of the Turkish PM Erdogan on expelling the RA citizens
living in Turkey was tended to break down the ratification process
of the protocols, said the ANC member Davit Shahnazaryan on the

The speaker assured that Turkey will not ratify the protocols and the
"anti democratic" statements of Erdogan and other Turkish officials
are not emotional and imbalanced but are calculated.

"Turkey started to lose the superiorities which he gained as a result
of the rough mistakes of the Armenian authorities, it was obvious for
him that Armenia was going to ratify the Protocols in the NA first,"
D. Shahnazaryan said and added that if Armenia was the first to ratify
the documents, the Turkish side would have serious problems.

"Turkey did everything with its emotional expressions to halt the
process. The standstill of the ratification of the protocols occurred
due to its efforts," mentioned the politician and added that after
the statements of Erdogan the pressure of the international community
over Armenia will weaken.

"There is a kind of "Tremodynamic" situation created for Armenia in
the frameworks of the Armenian – Turkish relations. It is impossible
to win, not to losing is impossible too, and leaving the game is also
impossible," the speaker thinks.