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Home Political Intrigue Becomes Strained


11:23:54 – 24/03/2010

Robert Kocharyan gave a regular interview to Mediamax in which he made
some judgments about the current economic policy of Armenia as well as
he made comparisons with the policy led during his tenure. Naturally,
Robert Kocharyan’s comparison was in favor of the years of his tenure,
which is quite regular, because the economy in that period had better
statistics than it has now.

In fact, Robert Kocharyan tried to keep and bring the intrigue of
the latest days to its culmination which was born by his visit to
France parallel to Sargsyan’s one, where he met with Jacque Chirak,
was followed by Gagik Tsarukyan’s strict criticism towards the economy
minister Nerses Yeritsyan, and now the interview given by Robert
Kocharyan which contains economic criticism. Adding the interview
concerning foreign political issues of the former foreign minister of
Armenia Vardan Oskanyan, who directed the blow to Robert Kocharyan’s
tenure, the interview given to Mediamax may stand for Kocharyan’s
acceptance of the RP challenge.

Of course, it would be great if Robert Kocharyan dwelt not only on the
blames and criticism of his economic but also foreign policy. The point
is that his name has been circulated within these frames on these days,
though suppositions that Kocharyan makes determined steps to assume
the office of prime minister were many too. In general, pretentions
of Robert Kocharyan to return are covered by some veil of secrecy,
he neither refuse nor affirms his wish to return.

But it is also evident that by reminding about himself very often,
Robert Kocharyan tries to keep rumors on his return fresh. However,
judging by his 10-year tenure, Kocharyan is not a speaking figure. He
used to say something – good or bad, than do it. Consequently, if
now he just promotes rumors on his return, this means he has serious
problems to fulfill it, if the point is not about its impossibility
of course.

The exclusion of a public way of Kocharyan’s return is doubtless. It is
even difficult to imagine that by the example of Levon Ter-Petrosyan,
he can pretend to the public support after 10 years. Of course, the
same economic conditions may arouse "sweet" recollections about his
tenure, but in this case, Kocharyan will have to enter into open
contradiction with Serge Sargsyan. While, the society will never
forget that Robert Kocharyan played a tangible role in the formation
of the current government resorting even to March 1. Unlike Levon
Ter-Petrosyan, Robert Kocharyan did not leave or was not forced
to leave the power, he just promoted the reproduction of the power
at the cost of the life of citizens. After all, Robert Kocharyan’s
presidency is remembered not only because of economic success but also
the institutionalization of power clans and oligopolies, surrounding
them with criminal walls, replacing laws by agreements, division of
economic benefits among several families, and that the rest of the
public served as a source of wealth for these families.

For example, in his interview, Robert Kocharyan said about capital
construction ensuing the years of his presidency, although it was "due
to" the construction, that thousands of people were evicted from their
homes, and in their place, luxury buildings were built for the elite.

So if Robert Kocharyan really wants to return, he should not rely on
the common people, but the elite, for whom he built the houses. While
it is not all right there. The fact is that formed in those years the
elite prefers "bird in the hand". And even if the elite is longing
for the days of Robert Kocharyan, when everything was much simpler,
predictable, however, the president of the elite is now Serge Sargsyan,
and they may prefer the stability of Sargsyan to the risk of returning
of Kocharyan. And what if it does not work"? They will have to give
explanations to Serge Sargsyan.

The elite, familiar with the methodology of formation of the Armenian
government, knows that if the power is not based on public support,
it means it has to rely on the international community. And in this
issue, "superiority" of Sargsyan is obvious. And while this is so,
the vast majority of the elite remains doubtlessly on the side of
Serge Sargsyan.

Perhaps my observations are just useless and Robert Kocharyan is
not going to return, but he is simply trying to help Serge Sargsyan
with the help of private visits and constructive criticism through
interviews. Then, what is thinking Serge Sargsyan since his team,
Republican Party, storms against Robert Kocharyan’s times?


Jilavian Emma:
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