Campaign Against Tuberculosis


05:51 pm | March 24, 2010


March 24 is the World Tuberculosis Day

Today one could see posters with the words "I Stop Tuberculosis,"
"Armenia without Tuberculosis" in Yerevan’s most crowded places –
in metro stations, in front of churches and squares. Passers-by were
distributing flyers on ttuberculosis and its prevention.

The action was initiated by the RA Ministry of Healthcare,
National Office for Struggle against Tuberculosis and international

Narine Mejlumyan, the acting head of the National Office for Struggle
against Tuberculosis, says there are 3446 TB carriers in Armenia
including those already discharged from hospitals. 1474 of them are
under constant supervision.

Tuberculosis is contagious and spreads through the air when a person
with TB of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes or talks.Communication
with infected people, especially in closed areas, is dangerous. Yet,
the tubercle bacilli are killed by heat under the direct influence
of sun rays.

More than 20 million people die of TB every year. Tuberculosis can
be cured if revealed in due time.