Will Power Fluctuations Stop In May?


1 1:28 am | March 24, 2010


Regular and frequent blackouts have become common in Yerevan.

In the previous four-day sitting of the National Assembly, the power
fluctuation disconnected a microphone during the speech of Heritage
Faction Head Stepan Safaryan. It took about ten minutes to recover
the situation.

Natalia Sarjanyan, a spokeswoman for the "Electric Network of Armenia"
CJSC, says eight substations are being refitted in Yerevan to provide
hopeful and flawless supply of electric power. The work will be
completed by May 2010.

"Blackouts are expected in certain districts of the capital connected
with the reconstruction works. In particular, power might be cut off
in the communities of Malatia-Sebastia, Ajapnyak, Shengavit and Nork."

The Company apologizes to its subscribers for inconveniences caused
during the renewal works and asks them to contact them in case of

Natalia Sarjanyan also added that the Company shoulders responsibly
for the technique damaged in the result of power fluctuations.

"If the technique cannot be repaired or mended, the Company will
provide material compensation," said the company spokeswoman.

Asked whether citizens need to prove that the technique was damaged
by electricity high voltage or fluctuation, Natalia Sarjanyan said,
"They needn’t prove anything as we register both power fluctuations
and cases of high voltage."
