Israeli and Serbian Parliaments to Discuss Armenian Genocide Bills

Israeli and Serbian Parliaments to Discuss Armenian Genocide Bills

11:45 – 27.03.10

The Israeli parliament is planning to hold discussions on a bill that
recognizes the Armenian Genocide.

As reported by Israeli press, in April, Meretz Party will once again
bring the bill on Armenian Genocide to the Knesset agenda for a vote.

The bill prepared by party leader Haim Oron condemns the killings of
Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and calls it Genocide.

The party had raised the issue of recognizing the Armenian Genocide in
the past too, though all attempts had proven to be unsuccessful.

In addition, Serbia’s Parliament is preparing to discuss a draft
version of a bill, proposed by Serbia Radical Party, which recognizes
the Armenian Genocide.

Party press spokesperson Zoran Krasi said that the bill will be
brought to the parliament agenda in the near future.