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PACE co-rapporteurs welcome readiness of Armenian authorities

PACE co-rapporteurs welcome readiness of Armenian authorities to
develop ‘operational diagram’ on implementation of reforms

2010-03-26 11:42:00

ArmInfo. PACE Co-rapporteurs on monitoring of fulfillment of the
commitments by Armenia to the Council of Europe, John Prescott and
George Colombier, welcomed the immediate response by the Armenian
authorities to the call to develop an "operational diagram" on
implementation of the reforms recommended by the Assembly experts
after the post-election collisions in March 2008.

As PACE told ArmInfo, Prescott and Colombier marked with satisfaction
a wide spectrum of reforms declared by the authorities in response to
the previous recommendations. According to the co-rapporteurs, they
would also like to emphasize that implementation of reforms is of
topmost. Prescott and Colombier also emphasized the importance of
implementation of the reforms recommended by OSCE Office for
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in its report. As the
co-rapporteurs said, ODIHR indicated serious problems related to the
functioning of the judicial system in Armenia, and they would like to
have a vision of when the authorities intend to fulfill these
recommendations. According to them, they expect the promised specific
results on the work done, as well as the opinions of CE different
departments which assisted the Armenian authorities on this way. The
co-rapporteurs say they hope to agree a clear, detailed and unique
operational diagram for Armenia together with RA National Assembly,
including the terms for implementation of the basic reforms, after
different political forces in Armenia will be heard.
They added that these reforms are in favour of all the Armenians in
the longer term, since no one wants reoccurrence of March, 2008,

Tamamian Anna:
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