WB to provide $40 million loan to road construction projects in ROA

March 26, 2010 Friday

Armenia : World Bank to provide $40 million loan to road construction
projects in Armenia

In a March 23 meeting with Armenia s Minister of Transport and
Communications Manuk Vardanyan, World Bank Country Manager for Armenia
Aristomene Varoudakis elaborated on programs financed by the the World

According to Varoudakis, the Road Improvement Program lauched in
Armenia in 2009 will be completed this year.

The preliminary financing of the program is $25 million USD, while
additional financing is $36.6 million USD. The program aims to
reconstruct a total of 240 km roadways in different communities in

According to Varoudakis, this program is very efficient as the roads
from villages will be linked to main adjacent highways. It also
provides additional jobs to the local communities.

Varoudakis also spoke about new programs aimed at reconstructing the
roads to be launched in the future.

By the end of 2010, the World Bank is planning to provide a $35-40
million USD loan to complete the construction of about 171 km of roads
that were previously planned to be reconstructed by the Millenuim
Challanges Armenia Foundaiton.