Categories: News

Child Trafficking


16:05:00 – 30/03/2010

Today in Armenia, a presentation of the results of the study "Child
trafficking in Armenia" was held. Head of EU delegation, Raul de
Lyutsenberger noted that this study may be a good basis for the
Armenian authorities to formulate legislation and to further better
the existing legislation aimed at protecting children’s rights.

The study was carried out in October-December 2009 in 1200 households.

It polled 800 children from 5 regions for awareness about trafficking.

Among adults, the level of awareness is higher than among children.

More aware are girls than boys, wealthy families know more about
trafficking. 64.2% of students of grades 9-11 are aware of the
trafficking, said the study author Mira Antonyan.

About 60% said they were not afraid of trafficking, and it shows
our vulnerability. "They are even willing to send their children to
work outside their village, in case of a salary and normal working
conditions", says Antonyan. The study did not identify instances
of trafficking.

The project is financed by the European Union and the Czech government,
which allocated 448 454 Euros, 90% of which gave the EU.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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