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Elect Those Who Will Consider Javakhq-Armenians’ Interests: Javakhq


19:02 ~U 30.03.10

On March 27, Javakhk People’s Movement held a conference. Among the
participants were 200 current and former members, representatives
from NGOs in Javakhq and Javakhq-Armenian public figures.

The participants prepared a statement calling on the Georgian
authorities to do the following: ~U stop political and judicial
persecutions of Javakhq-Armenian political and public figures ~U
restore justice by reviewing all the unlawful verdicts reached in
relation to those people’s activities ~U set free Javakhq-Armenian
political prisoner Vahagn Chakhalyan ~U don’t prevent local
self-governing bodies from implementing their duties defined by law
~U lift the ban on the use of the Armenian language in all spheres of
public life ~U grant Armenian regional language status ~U privilege
the founding of the Armenian-Georgian University in Akhalkalaki
with Armenian as the language of study and instruction ~U give the
Armenian Apostolic Church legal status and return to it all the places
of worship that were illegally taken from the Church during Soviet rule

The statement also calls on Javakhq-Armenians to give their vote in
the May 30 election of local self-governing bodies to those parties
and individuals who will include in their election platforms the
above-mentioned problems faced by the Armenian people and will
implement solutions to those issues.

The movement also calls on the Georgian authorities not to hinder
the participation of those parties in the election who will consider
the interests of Javakhq-Armenians, and also ensure a free and fair

Jalatian Sonya:
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