Samvel Babayan Feels Danger Of War


08:24 pm | March 30, 2010


"Yes, we’re on the path to war because Azerbaijan’s obscenity of
getting everything and not giving anything goes to show that it is
leading the conflict to war. Yes, the situation is dangerous and
a war could break out at any moment," said former commander of the
Artsakh Defense Army Samvel Babayan.

However, he did add that this statement doesn’t mean that military
operations will start tomorrow because Azerbaijan is currently not
sure whether it can win.

Babayan doesn’t believe there will be any treaty or document on the
settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict anytime soon.

"As far as I know, Serzh Sargsyan will not make compromises, but I
believe all the statements and opinions expressed by Sargsyan must
be viewed only in the political context. In terms of change of power,
I don’t think the state of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is sharp to
lead to change of power," said Babayan.

As far as Robert Kocharyan’s latest statements are concerned, Babayan
considers them to be a response to Vardan Oskanyan. The Republican
Party of Armenia has criticized the statements by the former RA
Foreign Minister.

"Let’s say t all started with Oskanyan’s statements and Kocharyan
responded to those who had talked about him and accused, let’s say,
the revealed Kocharyan. I am telling you the truth and you can
formulate your thoughts however you wish," said Samvel Babayan.