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Armenian Eagles Haven’t Used State Resources: Khachik Asryan


17:03 ~U 01.04.10

Recent media reports about Armenian Eagles, a fairly new patriotic
NGO, have disgruntled and disappointed its founding director Khachik
Asryan. According to those reports, the organization has allegedly
used government resources and has coordinated forced recruitments.

"Looking into your eyes, I want to mention that during Armenian
Eagles’ meetings, neither state nor government resources were used,
and I say that proudly," Asryan said at a press conference today.

"I say this with great pain, and I painfully refer to those articles
where the truth is distorted. Taking advantage of this opportunity,
I want to ask you, to call on all of you, to present only the reality
when covering any event," said he.

According to Asryan, since being founded two months ago, 8,267
sixteen-year-olds have come forward and joined the group of their
own will.

Asryan denied those press which claim that some 200 youth have forcibly
been recruited by the organization.

"We have 37 grade 11 students, and who’ve joined our organization
with their own passports," he said.

Asryan, however, had also something to be happy about: during its two
months of existence, the Armenian Eagles has visited 37 communities
and 22 towns.

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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