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Canada Launches Armenian Genocide Commemoration Events


01.04.2010 12:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The joint committee for the commemoration of the
95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide issued the list events to
take place over the coming few weeks.

An exposition and sale of works by writers martyred during the
Armenian Genocide and of books related to the Armenian Genocide will
open on April 15, to be followed by subsequent presentations of books
"A Summer Without Dawn" by Agop Hacikyan and "Children of Armenia –
A Forgotten Genocide and the Struggle for Justice" by Michael Bobelian.

The program also includes a political event with keynote speaker Steven
Jacobs at the Armenian Community Center. A March will be organized to
the Genocide Memorial at Parc Marcelin-Wilson in Ahuntsic on April
20. The next day a reception will be held to mark the opening of an
exhibition featuring photographs of the Armenian Genocide by Armin
Wegner in Holocaust Museum. The exhibition will be available for public
viewing from April 22 to May 16 during the museum’s regular hours.

On April 22, a Martyrs’ Ecumenical Commemoration Service will be
held in St. Joseph Oratory. On April 24, services will be offered
throughout Canada. On April 24 services will be offered throughout
Canada. On April 25, a rally will take place at the Genocide Memorial
at Parc Marcelin-Wilson in Ahuntsic, the ANCC reported.

Zakarian Garnik:
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