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Erdogan Considers Armenian Genocide Decisions Irresponsible


01.04.2010 13:15

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Turkey will never take irresponsible decisions on
its history, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a
television address on 31 March, CNN-Turk reported.

"We have repeatedly stated and we state today that Turkey is open to
any political and historical discussions but when attempts are made
to impose upon us historical events that did not take place, then we
express our resentment. Unfortunately, some countries attempt to speak
in the language of pressure with the support of their lobby," he said.

But as before, we say today that this way of talking to us does
not conform to diplomatic etiquette or justice. These countries put
events that occurred a century ago on the agenda again and again,
though these issues have nothing to do with either the United States
or Sweden. If you ask the deputies of these countries about the 1915
events, hardly any of them will give a reasonable response.

Then why take such decisions that challenge relations between
countries? I consider all these decisions irresponsible. The US
Congress House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the resolution on
these events by one vote. Who has given you the right to accuse a
whole nation of non-existent events? These are historical issues. Let
historians argue about it. Turkey has opened all its archives and
called on Armenia and third countries to do the same and together look
at what happened at that time. No one can groundlessly accuse Turkey,
because it is none of their business. Let Turkey and Armenia settle
their issues themselves," he went on.

Turkey coexists well with all neighboring countries. I do not rule
out the possible restoration of relations with Armenia, but the
interference of third countries in this process just hampers these
ties, he added.

Karapetian Hovik:
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