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Heritage Party Calls For Creation Of New Informal Political Center I


Noyan Tapan
Apr 2, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 2, NOYAN TAPAN. Heritage party along with the Armenian
people is extremely concerned about the dangerous developments and the
current threats related to the Armenian-Turkish normalization and the
Artsakh problem, and it evaluates the existing situation as the most
dangerous challenge to the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh since 1993.

Under such conditions, in response to the increasing foreign pressure
regarding the Artsakh and Armenian-Turkish problems, Heritage party
issued a statement on March 30, in which it called on the opposition
parties – the Armenian National Congress and the ARF and the coalition
parties – the Republican Party of Armenia, Prosperous Armenia party,
and Country of Law party to create a new informal political center
in the round-table format – prior to special or regular elections to
the National Assembly, in conditions of the low political efficiency
of the current parliament. The new center will include 3 opposition
parties and 3 coalition ones, thanks to which both the opposition
and the authorities will be represented proportionally.

Heritage proposes forming the Round Table without any preliminary
agenda and then putting all main problems worrying the opposition
and pro-government forces on the table and reaching an agreement on a
number of issues without preconditions. As is noted in the statement,
this may create the necessary prerequisites to ensure the unity within
society and among the political forces and to jointly confront the
adversary in case of resumption of military operations, as well as
to promote democratic reforms.

According to the statement, the Round Table should become the fist
step towards creating a broad political, civil and spiritual format of
national unity, which eventually will include the Republics of Armenia
and Artsakh, the political forces and the key civil players in the
Diaspora, as well as representatives of the Mother Church. Heritage
party is going to officially present this proposal to all the above
mentioned national units.

Zaminian Bedik:
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