Shoah Week On PBS

By Tom Tugend

Jewish Telegraphic Agency
April 2 2010

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — The Public Broadcasting Service will offer
U.S. television viewers a concentrated history lesson during Holocaust
Remembrance Week, with seven films and documentaries on Jewish death
and defiance in the past and on the genocides of the present.

Four main films will be aired in prime time by 365 member stations,
starting April 11 with a British version of "The Diary of Anne Frank"
at 9 p.m. (check local listings to confirm date and time).

The story of the high-spirited Jewish girl in hiding from the Nazis for
two years in a crowded Amsterdam attic, while at the same time facing
the highs and lows of adolescence and first love, is too familiar and
revered to permit tampering with the plot. However, director Jon Jones
does allow himself to vary the relationships among the key characters.

Ellie Kendrick (one of the young school girls in "An Education") gives
us an Anne with all her exuberance, as well as occasional orneriness
and chutzpah. But the major surprise is Otto Frank, Anne’s father,
as portrayed by Iain Glen.

In her intimate diary, Ann was not uncritical of her parents, and
Otto has been frequently pictured as cold and ineffectual.

By contrast, in the current production, Otto is very much the central
and dominating figure, who keeps his family and their friends from
falling apart amid the crowded tension and boredom of their tight

It is also Otto who enforces a degree of normalcy in the most abnormal
of circumstances. The three adult men in the attic dress in jacket
and tie, and in the celebration of a joyous Chanukah the actors seem
to convince themselves and the viewers that all is (or soon will be)
alright with the world.

"Among the Righteous," airing April 12 at 10 p.m., documents the
dogged search by historian and writer Robert Satloff to track down
and verify any instances in which Arabs aided their Jewish neighbors
while Hitler’s Afrika Corps swept across North Africa.

Satloff, the executive director of the Washington Institute for Near
East Policy, embarked on his quest after noticing during a visit to
Yad Vashem that there was not a single Arab listed among the Righteous
Christians and, mainly Albanian Muslims, who sheltered or saved Jews
during the Holocaust.

His research turned up evidence of 100 forced labor and concentration
camps in Tunisia and Morocco, one so notorious that it was known as
the "Buchenwald in the Desert."

Satloff finds his hero in Khaled Abdul-Wahab, a prosperous Tunis
businessman, who, like Oskar Schindler, entertained Nazi officials
to cover sheltering Jewish families on his family farm.

There is also a brief testimony by Tunisian-born Sivan Shalom,
Israel’s former foreign minister, on the help extended to his father
by Arab friends.

"Blessed Is the Match," scheduled for April 13 at 10 p.m., recounts
the bravery of Hannah Senesh, a young poet and diarist. In 1944,
Senesh joined an elite group of Palestinian Jews to parachute behind
Nazi lines and rescue Jews in her native Hungary.

Senesh was caught, tortured and executed by the Germans, but her name
lives on in the annals of Israeli heroism.

Turning from the horrors of the past to the bloody present (and
future), historian Daniel Goldhagen (author of "Hitler’s Willing
Executioners") premieres his book and documentary feature, "Worse
Than War," on April 14 at 9 p.m. on PBS.

Looking at the sorry record of the last 100 years, Goldhagen counts
100 million civilians, mostly women and children, killed in genocides
— from 1 million Armenians in Turkey, to 99 million in the Ukraine,
and on to China, Guatemala, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur.

That staggering figure, he says, exceeds all the military deaths in
all the wars of the century.

Followed by a camera crew, Goldhagen last year went to 10 countries in
Asia, Africa, the former Soviet Union and Central America, interviewing
survivors, perpetrators and families of victims.

Amid horrifying footage and testimony, Goldhagen tries to make some
sense of it all, seeking the causes — and possible solutions —
to prevent future "ethnic cleansings." or, the term he prefers,

Also during Holocaust Remembrance Week, a limited number of public
broadcasting stations will carry two more documentaries, "Holy Lands:
Jerusalem & The West Bank" and "House of Life: The Old Jewish Cemetery
in Prague," as well as a play-within-a-play, "Imagine This."

The cinematic version of a recent London stage musical, "Imagine This"
is arguably the most startling and complex of the week’s offerings.

It opens with a group of bourgeois Jewish families in Warsaw enjoying
an outing at a merry-go-round, when Nazi dive bombers interrupt
the idyll.

Next, crammed into a ghetto, Daniel, the leader of the Jewish inmates,
decides to buck up their spirits by putting on a play.

The presence of a flourishing theater, and even an orchestra and
library, most notably in the Lodz Ghetto, is historically correct
and was dramatized in Joshua Sobol’s memorable "Ghetto."

For his production, Daniel chooses the last stand of the Jews against
the Romans at Masada, with obvious similarities to the "actors’"
present situation.

In parallel, the characters as ghetto inmates and Masada resisters
are faced with the choice of surrender or defiance.
