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EuroVision Song Contest: Eva Rivas visits Greece

April 3 2010

Warm welcome ceremony in Thessaloniki

Armenia: Eva Rivas visits Greece

Eva Rivas, who is going to represent Armenia in the Eurovision Song
Contest 2010, is already in Greece, promoting her song Apricot stone.

Eva Rivas was very warmly accepted by the Thessaloniki municipality
officials. Shortly after the welcome ceremony, the Armenian team
planted apricot trees, symbolizing a part of Armenia in Greece. Eva
was also interviewed by Greek TV channels, to which she said that she
is very happy to visit Greece, because this country is a part of her
motherland too, as far as her grandmother is Greek. Finally, she
performed a small part of her entry Apricot stone.

On the 3rd of April, she will perform in Thessaloniki along with other
Armenian singers. On the 5th of April, Eva will head to Athens.

You can watch Eva Rivas being welcomed in Thessaloniki in the video below.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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