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The national library week to kick off for the 9th time

Aysor, Armenia
April 3 2010

The national library week to kick off for the 9th time

Form April 12 ` 19 the Armenian Library association is organizing
series of events dedicated to the `Week of National Library’ the motto
of which is `A view to the library of the village.’

The event is being held in Armenia for the 9th time already.

On April 12 will take place the solemn opening of the `Week of
National Library’ which will be launched in the Armenian National
Library and in the professional, urban, regional and village libraries
of Armenia. In the same day in the library of the Oshakan village of
Aragatsotn region will be organized another event by the participation
of the members of the Armenian Library association.

During the week will also be organized a week of compositions in
schools, an event dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Vahan Teryan,
donation of books to the village libraries, and events dedicated to
the 175th anniversary of Raffi.

There will also be held meetings and discussions with the NA MPs,
authorities, culture and science dedicated to the village libraries.

April 18 is the day of presenting books to each other and on April 19
the `Week of the National Library’ will sum up its works.

Antonian Lara:
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