BAKU; Armenian Lobby Has ‘No Influence’ On Moscow

April 5 2010

Vafa Guluzade Political scientist Vafa Guluzade has commented on the
intention of the Armenian lobby to influence Azerbaijan’s position
via Russia.

‘Armenian lobby has no influence on Moscow and no one there will
listen to them. But probably, if there is Kim Kardashian among them,
any official for the Foreign Ministry may invite her to the restaurant
and that is all’, said political scientist Vafa Guluzade commenting
on the information of Turkish mass media that the Armenian lobby is
going to visit Moscow to influence Azerbaijan’s position via Moscow.

‘There is another variant of intensification of the Armenian lobby
in the Russian direction for Moscow to agree on adoption of Madrid
principles by Armenia because the Armenian lobby has no political
weight in Russia. By the way, they have no political weight in the
United States, merely, the US administration sometimes uses this
factor for its interests when they need to press on Turkey.

Thus, the visit of the representatives of the Armenian lobby to Moscow
will be ineffective. I would like to repeat once again that Russia
does not build its foreign policy on the wishes of the Armenian lobby’,
said the political scientist.