EU Backs Ratification Of The Armenia-Turkey Protocols Without Precon

Anna Nazaryan

06.04.2010 15:27

The European Union is a reliable political and economic partner for
Armenia, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said at a joint
press conference with Stefan Fule, EU Commissioner for Enlargement
and Neighborhood Policy. Minister Nalbandian attaches particular
importance to the creation of free trade zones, easing of the visa
regime and the start of the talks on the Association Agreement.

EU Commissioner Stefan Fule also attached importance to the development
of relations with Armenia. The Commissioner’s visit to our country
marks a breakthrough in the Armenia-EU relations, especially under
the Eastern Partnership Program.

For his part, Mr. Fule noted that the European Union wishes stability
and development for EU’s eastern neighbors. "We are glad that our
cooperation with Armenia is gradually developing and reaching a
new level. I hope that talks on Association Agreement will start
in near future and I hope that a part of this agreement will be the
so-called economic integration, i.e. a deep and comprehensive free
trade agreement, a strong tool that the EU offers to Armenia to help
it integrate in European market," he said.

The recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh people’s right to
self-determination is the top priority of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
process, Minister Nalbandian stated, adding that "our position has
not changed in any way."

"We have repeatedly stated and not only we, but also the three
Minsk Group Co-Chairs realize as well – that the recognition of the
Nagorno-Karabakh people’s right to self-determination, which can
actually be exercised, is the top priority of the Nagorno-Karabakh
peace process. If this major problem is resolved, the others will be
easier to discuss and solutions will be found," Nalbandian said.

Stefan Fule reiterated EU support for the OSCE Minsk Group activity.

Touching upon the Armenian-Turkish relations, the Commissioner said
"EU backs ratification of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols without
preconditions and within a reasonable timeframe. According to him,
EU assisted the process of normalization of relations between the
two states and is ready to aid in solution of transboundary issues
after the protocols come into force.

Stefan Fule urged Turkey to press on with stalled reconciliation
efforts with Armenia and linked the issue with Ankara’s EU membership

"Good relations with neighbors are very important in the framework
of any country’s entry to the European Union," Fule told journalists.

"The EU must also make efforts to help both sides end this deadlock,"
he added.