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FIDH 37th Congress Kicks Off In Yerevan

Karen Ghazaryan

06.04.2010 14:43

The 37th two-day congress of the International Federation of Human
Rights (FIDH) kicked off in Yerevan today. Organizers of the event
met reporters before the conference to talks about its objectives
and the expected results.

"This forum will represent a unique opportunity for debate and exchange
of experiences and analysis relating to the fight against impunity,
access to justice for victims of human rights violations and prevention
of the most serious crimes," FIDH President Souhayr Belhassen said.

Souhayr Belhassen said the Federation had chosen Armenia as a
destination for its conference, since it has registered greater
progress in the field of human rights as compared to other countries.

According to her, the conduct of the conference is impossible in a
number of countries. In addition, the decision to hold the event in
Armenia is linked to the 95th anniversary of the 1915 Genocide of
Armenians in Turkey.

"Bringing together so many personalities around this issue shortly
before the commemoration of the first genocide of the 20th century,
takes on a strong symbolic importance in our eyes, in particular in
the context of continued dialogue between Turkey and Armenia," Mrs.

Souhayr Belhassen said adding that the FIDH Survey Report on
Armenia-Turkey relation will be issued in the near future.

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