Levon Ter-Petrosyan: Serzh Sagsyan Will Make Concessions


April 6 2010

"I am inclined to think that Serzh Sargsyan will sign the Madrid
document proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs as an ultimatum,
a document that provides for immediate return of five regions of
Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan," Levon Ter-petrosyan, Chairman of
the opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC), stated at a rally
in Yerevan on April 6.

The Armenian President has a hard choice to make: either signing the
Madrid document, which will evoke a violent reaction on the part of
both the present and the former partners in the ruling coalition,
or reject it in order to gain time. In any case, he will have to go
back on his promises to the international community and find himself
under serious international pressure.

"The irony is that Serzh Sargsyan will lose power in any case. But
I am inclined to think he will sign the document, as in this case he
will at least get guarantees of personal security, including political
asylum, from the international community," Ter-Petrosyan said.

The ANC leader also stressed that there is no sense in talking about
the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations now, as this process
is immediately linked to the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. "We have
repeatedly stated that, and our forecasts are coming true," he said.

At today’s rally the Opposition leader did not set the date of the
next rally. "Rapid political developments are expected this month,
so the date of the next rally is too early to fix," they said.