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Armenia’s ArmenTel Plans To Triple 3G Capacity


Wireless Federation
April 7 2010

On 04.07.10, In Mobile, By Editor.
Tripling of 3G communications capacity has been planned by national
fixed line and mobile operator ArmenTel by the end of 2010. Working
under the Beeline trademark of its parent Vimpelcom, more than 100,000
subscribers currently use the cellco’s mobile internet services,
including 3G.

The Russian parent of the telco after the successful trials of a test
LTE network in Kazakhstan has planned to roll out Long Term Evolution
(LTE) in Armenia.

According to Armentel CEO Igor Klimko, it is very important to note
that the decision on frequency harmonisation, in which the LTE network
construction will be permitted in Armenia, will also have an impact
on its plans and it is felt that frequencies within 700MHz-800MHz
harmonisation will be optimal. Mixed views have been generated by the
rivals of the telco. 4G service based on LTE technology is intended to
be generated by VivaCell-MTS during 2010. Orange Armenia has made it
clear that it does not plan to replace 3G+ (HSPA) technology with 4G.

Tamamian Anna:
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