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Evgeni Kirilov Proposes EU Strategy For South Caucasus


April 7 2010

Brussels. The European Parliament’s Committee for External Relations
will consider this week a report by Bulgarian MEP Evgeni Kirilov from
the group of Socialists and Democrats on ‘The Need for an EU Strategy
for South Caucasus’, the MEP’s press office announced.

Evgeni Kirilov’s report points at the need for enhanced strategic
involvement of the European Union in South Caucasus and calls for the
development of an entire EU strategy with regard to the countries in
the region (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan).

The report focuses on the unsettled conflicts in Georgia (Abkhazia,
South Ossetia) and the so-called frozen conflict in Nagorno Karabakh
(between Armenia and Azerbaijan). According to conclusions of the
report, these conflicts are the key obstacle for establishing political
stability, consistent social-economic development in the region and
improvement of the investment climate, especially in the context of
European energy security.

The report further outlines the strategic geopolitical location of
the three countries and their increasing significance as an energy,
transport and communication corridor, connecting the Caspian region
with Central Asia and with Europe. The document also emphasizes the key
importance of the region for European energy cooperation and security
(the implementation of the Southern energy corridor – the pipelines
Nabucco and White Stream).

Evgeni Kirilov’s report will be voted at a session of the European
Parliament’s Committee for External Relations next Thursday.

Nalchajian Markos:
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