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Local Residents May Be Engaged In Clearing Of Near-Shore Territories


2010-04-07 20:04:00

ArmInfo. The local residents may be engaged in clearing of the
near-shore territories of Lake Sevan, which may find themselves under
the water as a result of the lake water rising.

Chairwoman of the Association for Human Sustainable Development
Karine Danielyan said at today’s press-conference in Yerevan that
the measures on clearing the near-shore territories are not efficient.

"The trees and garbage find themselves under the water, and this
leads to bogging of the lake. During one of the discussions, Head of
the Agency of Biological Resources Management of the Armenian Nature
Protection Ministry Artashes Ziroyan said that the plants under the
water are no threat, as they become food for the fish. I disagree
with this pointblank and I think that the failure to clear the given
territories in due time is extremely dangerous for the lake",- stressed
K.Danielyan. She pointed out that earlier she repeatedly suggested
involving the local population in timber extraction, however, this
suggestion has been rejected as the residents would not be engaged
in the stubbing. "However, at a recent meeting Head of the Armenian
Presidential Administration Karen Karapetyan agreed with the fact
that the local residents can also be involved in clearing of the
territories, moreover, the control over the given work may be laid
on the Armenian Nature Protection Ministry",- she said.

To note, according to specialists, having risen to 1905 m above the sea
level, the Sevan will flood 2789 ha of forests about 1.2 bln AMD will
bee needed to carry out the clearing work. In 2009 600 ha of forest
were cleared, 257 mln AMD were allocated for the given work. At the
same time, Chairman of the Commission for Main Issues of Lake Sevan
Vladimir Movsisyan also admitted the fact that at the moment there
are plots under the water, which need to be stubbed.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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