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Repair Operations At Yerevan Railway Station


2010-04-07 11:33:00

ArmInfo. Repair operations have started at Yerevan railway station.

The interior of the station building will be restored and different
communications will be replaced within the frames of these operations,
press service of South Caucasus Railway CJSC told ArmInfo.

In view of increase of the passenger traffic against 2009 by 53%,
it is scheduled to separate the stations halls into international
and inter-city ones, as well as install additional box offices. This
will allow to avoid checkout lines and will create more comfortable
conditions for acquisition of tickets for different kinds of
communication. Guest rooms will be built in the station building
for accommodation of both the railway employees and passengers of
international communication. The repair operations will also cover
the railway platform.

SCR CJSC is the 100 percent subsidiary of Russian Railways CJSC. In
February 2008 SCR obtained a concession of the state CJSC Armenian
Railway. The agreement of concession of the Armenian Railroad CJSC
for 30 years with a 10-year renewable period was signed in Yerevan
in February 2008.

Kanayan Tamar:
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