Ali Ahmadov: "Ali Karimli backs up pro-Armenian policy" – INTERVIEW


April 8 2010

"AXCP chair has become a participant of open pressure campaign on
Turkey and Azerbaijan in order to help Armenia"

Baku. Elnur Mammadli – APA. APA’s interview with deputy chairman,
executive secretary of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Ali Ahmadov

– Azerbaijan’s accepting the updated version of the Madrid principles
on the solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict was not met unambiguously
by the society. How do you assess double approach to the decision?

– In general, the negotiations on the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno Karabakh conflict is of confidential character. Of course, it
shows itself in the discussion of the issues emerged in the process
of negotiations. In this respect, it would not be right to say what
proposals have been concretely put on the table.

This is the subject of discussion and these discussions are
confidential, it is inadmissible to go into details. But logical
philosophy of Azerbaijan’s participation in the process of negotiations
as a whole is completely clear. President Ilham Aliyev has openly
stated that in any case the process of negotiations focus on the
complete release of the occupied Azerbaijani territories and return
of the IDPs to their native lands. While Armenian side demonstrated
severe approach to the updated Madrid principles, Azerbaijan stated
that these principles may be accepted as a basis for the following
stage of the negotiations. The points standing in the root of the
updated Madrid principles allow Azerbaijan to demonstrate its just
position thoroughly.

– But the opposition protests against Azerbaijan’s accepting the
Madrid principles. Are there any grounds?

– For a long time we have been observing a reality in the behavior of
Azerbaijan’s opposition. Whatever the authorities do the opposition
protests against it without realizing its essence. I suppose,
opposition’s criticizing the Madrid principles is based on the
principle accepted by the opposition itself. If the Azerbaijani
authorities express positive opinion on these principles, the
opposition protests against it. I do not know whether the opposition
has enough arguments to express these protests or not. As I have
stated, the negotiations are confidential and I do not believe that
there is detailed information about the negotiations. If the persons
attending the process of negotiations from Azerbaijani side state that
the new principles reflect Azerbaijan’s position, the opposition has
no ground to protest against it.

– The Karabakh issue is a national problem. Can the authorities discuss
this issue together with all political forces and opposition, inform
them about the details of the negotiations, essence of the issue?

– I think it should be so. It is not right to stand in the position of
authorities or opposition in the national issues. We have demonstrated
our position concerning it several times. Political struggle should not
be realized on the national issues. But unfortunately, it should be
noted that though the opposition states that it ready to demonstrate
unique position concerning the national issues, when it comes to the
concrete activity we observe differences between these statements
and their behavior. We are still observing it. The structure and
character of the process of negotiations on the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict is known. It has been stated several times that discussions
will be held with all forces when the two sides reach agreement in
the negotiations. Under the present circumstances, as the sides are
still holding discussions, the discussions inside the country may
harm the process. When there is a common opinion, both sides will
consult with their people and final decision will be passed basing
on the people’s will. It is meaningless to hold discussions, unless
the sides reached complete agreement.

– YAP for many times criticized the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group.

Does these statements have an impact on the co-chairs’ activity?

– These statements are not only the conclusion made by our party,
but it was formed in the whole society. YAP expresses the opinion
of the Azerbaijani people to the co-chairs. In fact, the public
statements forced the OSCE Minsk Group to intensify its activity. It
is impossible to have a positive idea about the Minsk Group, if is
couldn’t solve the conflict during 18 years of its activity. This
group has many shortcomings. For example they didn’t express their
opinion about the reasons and sources of this conflict when they took
the mediatory mission. If there is an aggression, there are aggressors
as well. They must announce the name of aggressors. The Minsk Group
tackles its mission not announcing the name of aggressors. I don’t
suppose that our criticism is a serious and effective mean to change
their activity, but I consider that it is one of the means.

– How is YAP preparing to the upcoming parliamentary elections?

– There will be a number of novelties in the YAP election campaign.

But it is early to speak about that. We are analyzing the elections,
working on the election program and I suppose that we can elaborate our
election concept as a result of these analyses because it is impossible
to join the elections without analyzing the situation and resources
of the party. Only those who spontaneously join the elections can do
that. We never prepare unnecessary statements due to the elections.

– When you will determine the candidates?

– There is a plenty of time until the elections and it will be
incorrect tactics to determine candidates right now. There are some
newspaper reports about the rushes around the determination of YAP
candidates. Such reports are sometimes made purposefully. But in fact,
YAP is working on the issues I mentioned before. In fact, the analyses
will lead to the determination of our individual concept related. YAP
leadership is satisfied with the activity of our parliament corps.

– Some YAP members nominated themselves out of the party’s list in
the previous elections. What measures will be taken if it is recurs?

– I consider that the number of self-nominated YAP candidates will
be significantly reduced in the parliamentary elections in 2010. The
technology we implemented during the parliamentary elections in 2005
and municipal elections in 2009 make it deep clear for the party
members that every YAP member follows the goal to assist the party’s
election campaign and to contribute to its victory. If there is such
position, self-nominated candidates and those who try to tackle the
party’s election campaign will be reduced.

– The opposition parties make different proposals to jointly
participate in the elections. What do you think, can the opposition
parties succeed if they united their forces?

– YAP has 500 000 members. All of them are voters and active people.

Every of them can encourage 2-3 people to come to vote for the position
they support. In this respect, even if the opposition unites its
forces – it is inadmissible idea – it can not be a rival to YAP.

There is a great difference in the relation of forces and even if
the opposition parties support the same position it will not crate
any threat for YAP. This is a political reality of Azerbaijan and the
opposition can not change this reality. The opposition failed to unite
its forces in the past 15 years. It has no potential of unity. They
also understand that they can not wrestle with YAP. The opposition
has a syndrome of non-unity. Their participation in the elections
doesn’t concern us because we know our opportunities and forces.

– Opposition also decided to begin mass actions. How do you assess it?

– Neither policy, nor elections consist of rallies and pickets. One
of the truths which Azerbaijan opposition can’t understand is that,
they can’t differ political struggle from street one. People don’t vote
in the streets during elections. Organizing rallies in the place where
there are many people is illogical. It means sick intention. The main
purpose here is to commit sabotage and make tension among the society.

Another purpose is making an illusion that they have a lot of
supporters. YAP has organized an action during presidential elections
in Bayil stadium in 2008. Our supporters participate at actions
unrelated with the place. But opposition says that the place is far,
supporters can’t go there. Nevertheless, 90 percent of the people
participated in the actions held in front of the former "Galaba"
cinema in 2003 came from regions.

– How do you evaluate the publication of AXCP leader Ali Karimli’s
article in "Washington Post" newspaper?

– There are 2 tragic ends for politician. One of them is to lose
supporters. And as a result of it you try to find supporters
outside the country. Unfortunately, these two factors show itself
in Azerbaijani opposition. Opposition loses its supporters inside
the country and selects the worst way for compensation, try to find
supporters abroad. There is another inclination too. Some opposition
representatives get into touch with foreign forces who try to act
against Azerbaijan. I think you remember Ruslan Bashirli- supporter of
Ali Karimli, he has conduct discussions on cooperation with Armenia
and tried to receive finance support during parliamentary elections
in 2005. Soon there will be new elections. And forgotten Ali Karimli,
from obscurity, delivers speech at Washington Post newspaper. It
happens when there is an open pressure on both Azerbaijan and Turkey
for the help towards Armenia. And Ali Karimli becomes a participant
of this campaign. His interview is full with groundless pretensions
and intentions. Of course one can assess it as a part of pressures on
Azerbaijan. Why this article haven’t published earlier. I think that
each citizen should have national fanaticism. Ali Karimli will not
be an American president. What dividend will he gain from that article?

It has one meaning – to support policy which is realized for the
help to Armenians. If he understands opposition as against national
interests of Azerbaijan and join foreign pressures, then Azerbaijani
citizens should draw a conclusion.