An Experimental "Kangaroo" In Artsakh


April 8 2010

Today the "Ayb" educational fund held an international experimental
competition of mathematics "Kangaroo" in Stepanakert. On the
experimental Kangaroo 215 pupils from 13 schools participated. The
competition in Artsakh was being held for the first time and the
children were very inspired and impatient to join their coevals and
be included in this international math movement.

The "Ayb" educational center informs that according to the rules of the
competition all the participants got small souvenirs and certificates
of participation.

Next year "Ayb" is planning to involve more schools in the "Kangaroo"
movement. "Kangaroo" is a competition consisting of interesting tasks
which is being held every year on the same day in around 50 countries
with the participation of about 5 million pupils. The competition is
aimed to create a general interest towards mathematics and make the
latter more attractive for the children.