Armenia To Ratify Turkey Accords Before US Trip?

April 8 2010

The National Assembly will discuss ratification of the Armenian-Turkish
accords in the near future, the speaker told a parliament session
on Tuesday.

A majority of deputies voted on 6 April to include ratification of
the protocols on the agenda of the four-day parliamentary session.

The protocols on establishing diplomatic relations between Armenia
and Turkey and on developing bilateral relations were signed by the
Turkish and Armenian foreign ministers, Ahmet Davutoglu and Edward
Nalbandian, in Zurich on 10 October 2009.

‘We will definitely discuss the protocols in the near future,’
National Assembly Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan said.

Commentators in Armenia say President Serzh Sargsyan might take a
‘big surprise’ to his expected meeting with the US and Turkish leaders
in the United States.

The surprise could be go to the USA with the protocols ratified,
thereby casting Turkey in a bad light. Sargsyan leaves for the USA
on 11 April, where he will attend the Global Nuclear Security Summit
and meet Barack Obama.

At its sitting on 7 April the National Assembly rejected a bill on
amending the law ‘On international treaties’ proposed by the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun (ARFD).

The changes would have authorized parliament to ratify interstate
agreements with reservations. The Dashnaks said that the changes
would have allowed international treaties to be revoked in case of
procedural infractions.

Other amendments to the bill ‘On international treaties’ were already
signed into law in early March.