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Cookbook Shares Stories Of Church’s Past


April 8 2010

Fair Lawn – Traditional dishes and stories about church members
combine in "Recipes & Recollections," a cookbook produced by the
Women’s Guild of St. Leon Armenian Church.

A second printing of the cookbook has already been ordered with the
first 550 selling out quickly after it was released during a gathering
of Women’s Guilds in the New Jersey area on March 13.

"Order early!" said borough resident Rita Oscherician, the Women’s
Guild chairman. "Within one month we have sold over 550 cookbooks
and a second printing is already in production."

"Recipes & Recollections" features 267 recipes, nearly all that were
submitted to the committee that put it together. There are both
Armenian and non-Armenian recipes including some from the popular
items made for the church’s annual food festival.

"We got a nice variety," said Ruth Bedevian, a Wyckoff resident who
served as cookbook chairman.

In addition to focusing on food, the cookbook includes small notes at
the end of the recipes that share stories of past and present members
of the church, which is located on Saddle River Road.

"That has been a very touching part of the cookbook," said Bedevian.

The Women’s Guild created the cookbook as a reflection of the church’s
82-year history as a parish and the traditions of the families who
have attended through the years.

"In creating our cookbook, we envisioned sharing the fellowship
and traditions of our parish and impart our love for each other
under the embrace of our church. We remembered our deceased members,
asking families to submit their loved-ones’ recipes. We certainly have
realized our vision beyond all expectations," said Lucy Chagachbanian,
Women’s Guild advisor and Mahwah resident.

The book has proven to be so popular that many who ordered one are
calling back with requests for more. Bedevian noted once family
members see that their loved ones are included in the book they are
often ordering more for everyone in the family.

"We are trying to keep up with the mailing of them," said Bedevian,
noting they are sending them throughout the country. "We are very
happy with the response."

The cookbook has also struck a cord with those who have moved away
from the area but have roots with the parish, which was originally
established in Paterson.

To help defray the cost of publishing the cookbook, committee
member Margaret Ajamian, a Wyckoff resident, suggested the sale of
sponsorships. The many sponsors are listed on the back of the book.

"It is all supported by the church," said Bedevian.

The cookbook, which has a blue, padded hardcover, is $15 with an
additional $5 for shipping. It was put together by Morris Press

"It is a beautiful book," said Bedevian.

The committee working on the cookbook includes Bedevian; Chagachbanian;
Rita Oscherician; Ajamian,; Carolyn Soojian, accounting and
distribution, Fair Lawn; Adrienne Tenbekjian, distribution, Allendale;
and Gladys Fenarjian, distribution, River Edge.

Toganian Liana:
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