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MEP Evgeni Kirilov: EU Should Seriously Contribute To South Caucasus


Focus News
April 9 2010

Bulgarian MEP from the Group of Socialists and Democrats Evgeni Kirilov
comments on his report on ‘The Need for an EU Strategy for South
Caucasus’ and on the simplification of the procedures for EU funds
absorption under the structural funds in interview to FOCUS News Agency

Focus: Mr. Kirilov, on Thursday the European Parliament’s Committee
on Foreign Affairs passed your report on the need of an EU strategy
in South Caucasus. What urges the need of this strategy?

Evgeni Kirilov: In general, European Union’s presence in this region
used to be very weak in the past. Of course, this strategy is needed
as any other strategy in order to outline the stronger role of the
EU in this region in the future. It is a matter of different elements
of this strategy.

Speaking about security in particular, last year the EU had to
interfere as there was a conflict between Russia and Georgia. There
is also another burning conflict – Nagorno-Karabakh. There are
several economic, strategic and energy reasons, but the major point
is that these countries are part of Europe and thus the report itself
recommends a stronger and more active role of the EU.

Focus: What should be EU’s policy for South Caucasus?

Evgeni Kirilov: Generally speaking, the EU should make serious
contribution for strengthening the security in the region, the
economic development, the progress in the establishment of democratic
institutions in these countries and eventually for better security
and stability.

Focus: When will be the report voted at the plenary hall – will it
be at the next session of the European Parliament?

Evgeni Kirilov: Another report of mine – focused on the regional
development, will be voted at the next session, while this one will
be voted at the session in Strasbourg, which starts on May 17.

Focus: When should EU’s strategy for South Caucasus be ready?

Evgeni Kirilov: This is the first document that points at the need
to work out a strategy. When the parliament passes its final word
on the issue, we are convinced that the Committee will start working
this year.

There are already signals that several initiatives are being prepared.

There is already stepped-up presence and visits of EU Commissioners
in these countries, including of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement,
who is there at the moment, and the EU Commissioner for Energy.

You know that there are serious European projects realized in the
field of energy and transport – there are projects in all fields.

Focus: You said that another report of yours is about to be voted –
a report on EU’s regional development. What is it about?

Evgeni Kirilov: This is something that works seriously for our
own interests, too. It is about simplifying the procedures for
absorption of the money under the EU’s structural funds. It concerns
the absorption of the money that has not been absorbed yet – the money
for 2007, for instance, which has been allocated but not absorbed. In
other words, this comes as a result of Bulgaria’s wish to unblock
the money absorption bearing in mind the crisis in the EU countries
and in Bulgaria.

Focus: What are the measures you offer for faster and easier absorption
of this money?

Evgeni Kirilov: Generally, these are measures for simplifying the
procedures, clarifying the situation, which actually hinders a lot
the administration of the governing bodies in Bulgaria, and ensuring
greater flexibility. I will give you an example.

If a state finds irregularities in some projects, it could use the
money for other projects, instead of returning it back to Brussels,
as is the case now.

Now, when a country finds irregularities, it may use this money for
other projects. In the same way, in the event of big projects the
procedures are simplified to avoid wasting precious time. The rules
become clearer and the states can even start working on them before
getting an approval from the European Commission.

Focus: Will these measures reduce the paperwork and the deadlines?

Evgeni Kirilov: In this respect, there will be definitely some
simplification, as well as for the annual report on the projects.

The measures simply allow greater flexibility in the absorption of
funds. Of course, the experts should carefully examine the report.

They will come into force by the end of June, the latest. The idea
is to pass it parliament as fast as possible in order to simplify
the money absorption.

Focus: You say the measures will come into force by the end of June.

Do you mean that you are sure that they will be adopted?

Evgeni Kirilov: The report has been already adopted by the Committee
and I have no doubts that it will get enough support at the plenary

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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