Armenia ratifies Convention for Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terro

Armenia ratifies International Convention for the Suppression of Acts
of Nuclear Terrorism

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA National Assembly on April 7
ratified the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of
Nuclear Terrorism signed in New York on 13 April 2005 – with an
attached objection. The decision was taken unanimously.

According to the main speaker, Deputy Director of the National
Security Service under the Armenian Government Romik Harutyunian,
Armenia’s objection is related to the reservation that Azerbaijan made
when siging the convention. The reservation reads: "The Republic of
Azerbaijan states that it will not be able to guarantee the
implementation of the provisions of the convention in its territories
occupied by the Republic of Armenia until these territories are
liberated from occupation".

In connection with this reservation, Armenia attached its objection to
the convention. The objection particularly reads: "The Republic of
Azerbaijan distorts the essence and importance of the Nagorno Karbakh
problem regarding the reasons and effect of the contradiction that
arose as a result of Azerbaijan’s policy of ethnic cleansing aimed at
suppressing the free will of the population of Nagorno Karabakh,
followed by the aggession of a large number of armed forces against
the independent Nagorno Karabakh. As a result, some territories of
Nagorno Karabakh were occupied by the Republic of Azerbaijan".

115 out of the 127 participating states of the Convention signed it as
of 22 September 2009. The convention took effect in 54 states. The
opinion of Armenia’s Constitutional Court about the Convention was
positive: it does not conflict with the Armenian legislation or cause
any financial liabilities.