Armenian President Extends Condolences To Polish People


2010-04-12 10:30:00

ArmInfo. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan has sent a telegram
of condolence to Polish Sejm marshal Bronislaw Komorowski, Armenian
presidential press service reported.

The telegram says, in particular: "I am deeply shocked by the
air crash, as a result of which the Polish president, his wife,
parliamentarians and high-ranking officials of Poland died. On
behalf of Armenian people, I express my deepest condolences to you,
the families of crash victims and people of Poland. I share the
grief and pain of the Polish people and wish prompt recovery after
his tragedy, as well as courage and buoyancy to the relatives and
friends of those died".

To recall, TU-154 plane carrying President of Poland Lech Kaczynski
together with the Polish official delegation from Warsaw for
participation in the Katyn memorial ceremonies, crashed on April 10
morning in Smolensk region under the town of Pechyorsk on approach to
Smolensk airport in conditions of heavy frog. All 96 people on-board,
including the Polish president and his wife, died.

A 7-day mourning has been declared in Poland in view of the tragedy.

Mourning has been also declared in Russia and EU countries.