BAKU: Necessary to find effective formula for execution of UN SC res, Azerbaijan
April 9 2010

Necessary to find effective formula for execution of UN SC resolution
Fri 09 April 2010 | 13:51 GMT Text size:

Nikolae Ureke Unfortunately, the OSCE, EU and other international
organizations can not take an active part in the resolution of such
conflicts as Nagorno Karabakh.

The statement came from Romanian ambassador in Azerbaijan, NATO
coordinator in our country Nikolae Ureke speaking at the Center of
Strategic Studies under the Aezrbaijani president and commenting on
passiveness of international organizations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani
conflict over Nagorno Karabakh.

The diplomat said Romania is actively cooperation both with Azerbaijan
and Armenia. He voiced confidence that such partnership will help
search effective ways of the conflict settlement under the auspices of
international organizations.

"There is a need to find an effective and appropriate formula for the
execution of resolutions of the UN Security Council and other
international organizations for the resolution of conflicts in the
post-Soviet area", Nikolae Ureke said.