Bosnia Armenian "genocide" vote to show if true European values exis

Bosnian Serb news agency SRNA
April 8 2010

Bosnia’s Armenian "genocide" vote to show if true European values exist

Translated excerpt from report by Bosnian Serb news agency SRNA

Banja Luka, 8 April: Political analyst Predrag Lazarevic has said – in
light of the announcement that a declaration by which B-H
[Bosnia-Hercegovina] condemns the Turkish genocide against the
Armenians has been put into parliamentary procedure – that it was
encouraging to see Serb politicians going from a passive into an
active political role.

"This is the best indicator which will lay the truth bare, take the
masks off and declare whether or not we in B-H are for true European
values. The same is the case with the announcement that a ban on the
burqa has also been proposed," Lazarevic told the [Banja Luka-based
daily] Fokus.

According to him, should the Sarajevo politicians, above all Party for
B-H leader [and B-H Presidency chairman] Haris Silajdzic, oppose these
proposals then it would be clear that they do not want a European B-H,
but an Islamic one on the path of [wartime Bosnian Muslim leader and
post war B-H Presidency member] Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamic