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EAFJD welcomes EU commitment to Armenia-Turkey normalization

EAFJD welcomes EU’s commitment to Armenia-Turkey normalization without

09.04.2010 18:08

The European Armenian Federation for Justice& Democracy welcomes the
statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Mrs.
Catherine Ashton, confirming European Union’s unwavering commitment to
the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey without any

The Federation would further point out that inherent in the EU
statement is the recognition by EU’s highest-level leadership that an
imbalance exists between the disposition of Armenia which has followed
the `no pre-conditions’ principle and has submitted the signed
Protocols to its Parliament, and that of Turkey, which is insisting on
pre-conditions thus halting the ratification process, while at the
same time making statements in support of the normalization process.

The Federation also commends the European executive for its active
efforts toward reinforcement of ties, within the Eastern Partnership
framework, between Armenia and the European Union leading to closer
political association and economic integration.

`At the same time, we deeply regret that so far there has not been a
strong and unanimous condemnation, by the European Union’s leadership,
of Prime Minister Erdogan’s open threats to deport the Armenians
living in Turkey in retaliation for the US congressional consideration
of the Armenian Genocide resolution,’ declared Hilda Tchoboian,
Chairwoman of the European Armenian Federation.

`Turkey’s present blockade of Armenia and its systematic policy of
denial of the Armenian Genocide should lead the European Union to have
a full appreciation of Turkey’s politics of aggression in the region,’
added Hilda Tchoboian.

The European Armenians expect the European leadership to stand firm on
its refusal of any pre-conditions to normalization of relations. They
also expect the leaders of Europe to clearly demand that the Turkish
blockade of Armenia is lifted once and for all.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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