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Manvel Yeghiazaryan: Armenian people should prepare for war

Manvel Yeghiazaryan: Armenian people should prepare for war

April 10, 2010 – 15:13 AMT 10:13 GMT

Manvel Yeghiazaryan, the commander of Arabo detachment, stated that
spreading panic around the Karabakh issue is a wrong deed.

`Karabakh can’t be ceded to Azerbaijan. We stand ready to battle its
independence,’ he told reporters in Yerevan. `We don’t want war but
should prepare for it. We will set off war against those who tell us
to cede the liberated territories before the NKR status is

Commander Yeghiazaryan labeled Azerbaijan’s threats to unleash a new
war as a mere diplomatic show.

As to Armenian-Turkish rapprochement process, he said any attempt to
reconcile is senseless unless Turkey acknowledges the Armenian
Genocide. `Those who insist that present-day Turkey is not the same as
the Ottoman Empire, which committed the Genocide are mistaken. After
perpetrating the Armenian Genocide, Turks occupied Cyprus, now they
continue massacring Kurds. Turkey is a murderer country,’ Yeghiazaryan

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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