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NKR: To Increase the Private Sector of Economy

To Increase the Private Sector of Economy

NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

April 08, 2010

On April 6, the NKR Cabinet met at an out-session in Berdzor. The
Kashatagh regional administration head’s account on his activity of
2009 and the overall social and economic state of the region was on
the agenda. The session was chaired by Prime Minister Ara
Kashatagh regional administration head Kamo Martirosyan presented
the work implemented during the past year according to the
corresponding spheres. In 2009, grain crop sowing on 10.673 hectares
was carried out in the region. The average crop yield made 12 centners
per hectare. Because of the damage caused by rodents 1802 hectares’
territory was not harvested. The region made use of the fertilizers
and potato plants provided by the Assistance to Rural Development Fund
as well as of the interest-free loan at amount of AMD 73 mln aimed at
sowing the lands of permanent use. 193 tons of barley seeds were
completely planted. In 2009, the region bought 9 agricultural
machinery units, 3 employed machinery units and a cultivator.
During the accounting year certain work aimed at communication and
television broadcast improvement was conducted. In some inhabited
areas of the region Artsakh State Television is out of reach, in some
communities cell communication is not available.
In 2009, the capital construction and top overhaul contracts to
the amount of AMD 301.6 mln on State Budget account were executed by
the Capital Construction Department adjunct to the NKR Government.
During the period under review 10 dwelling houses and an 18-flat house
in Berdzor were put in commission. The house making process keeps on
this year as well. In spite of the problem housing conditions
improvement remains an urgent on the agenda. Premier Ara Haroutyunyan
noted that the programme of construction material supply in the region
will continue. This year AMD 150 mln from State Budget resources
served this purpose.
Charitable organizations implemented various repair works in the
town of Berdzor, in Qaregah, Uregah, Tsitsernavank and Hak villages.
170 kilometers long highway construction was carried out by
"Artsakhughi" CJSC. The Mijnavan-Kovsakan highway was partially
reconstructed by the joint efforts of the natives.
During the recent years large-scale work aimed at the improvement
of the power system and the installation of electrical lines was
carried out. By the initiative of two private organizations civil and
erection works aimed at the construction of hydro power stations along
the river Aghavno started. Unfortunately, 21 inhabited areas of the
region are still deprived of electricity. Drinking water pipes and
reservoirs are in a strictly sorry plight, in Berdzor as well. The
regional administration center is short of irrigable water.
In 2009, 116 new families settled down in Qashatagh. The result is
satisfactory. For promoting the resettlement the region, first of all,
must economically developed, standard of well-being of the population
must be raised.
-2 years ago we tried to draw benefactors in the course of
overcoming difficulties and development of Qashatagh but failed to
meet our expectations. The NKR Government by means of its modest
budget tried to solve the problems of paramount importance by turns,
said the Premier.
Special assistance is rendered to the education sphere. Ara
Haroutyunyan noted that state means allocated to the education system
of Qashatagh, in the part of teachers’ salary, had the biggest
specific weight in education system of the Republic.
According to the head of the Government, the population must
realize, that the State would render assistance to those families, who
carry out economic activities, at the same time would be continued the
already started social programs. The families, who express a wish to
resettle, will be given extra building materials for ameliorating
housing conditions.
Hydroelectric power plant building will be in progress, which
promotes the opening of new work places and more important, will
consolidate confidence in the future of the territory.
It was noted many times that in the region there are all
conditions to farm and ranch. The State supports the land owners. Soon
lax credits will be issued in sum of AMD 1 million.
The Premier was informed that the recently started intraregional
itinerary had demonstrated its value. This year Berdzor would have its
long awaited market.
"Supplying with gas town districts and improving water pipeline
require big sum. We’ll try to draw benefactors in this process, if
not, the state will manage to spare means for solving this problem in
forthcoming years"-said the Prime Minister.
After the session the Prime Minister had a meeting with teachers
of Berdzor special school N 1.Salary of a teacher allows to make use
of hypothecary crediting program. The problem concerning the
reconstruction of school road will also be solved.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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