Sargsyan: Don’t See War in Near Future but War Will Not Take Us Abac

I Do Not See War Threat in Near Future but a War Will Not Take Us
Aback: Serzh Sargsyan

11:13 – 10.04.10

In an April 9 visit to Tavush marz (province) Armenia’s President
Serzh Sargsyan said that there has always been a war threat and that
the country will not be taken aback, should a war be unleashed.

`Can you tell me any time that there has not been a war threat? Now we
are in a cross border marz [region]. Just ask about it these people
here. There was such threat in ’95, in 2000, in 2005 and, yes, such
threat exists also today, and there will be such threat unless peace
and stability are established in the region,’ said Sargsyan.

According to him the point is that the threat of war becomes more
tangible for Armenians in two occasions: when the Azerbaijani make
bellicose statements and when some political powers in Armenia attempt
to use it for their benefit.

`I do not see a war threat in the near future, though you may remember
that I have stated in several occasions that the defense minister must
always suppose that just tomorrow military actions may start … Our
army can fight. I am repeating it again, may it never happen, but if
it does happen, we will not be taken aback,’ said Sargsyan.