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Turkey Hopes Revitalize Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement: Namik Tan

Turkey Hopes Revitalize Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement: Namik Tan

16:21 – 10.04.10

Turkey hopes that the meeting between the Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan and the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan in the framework of the World Nuclear Security Summit, to be
held in Washington from April 12-13, can reanimate efforts aimed at
the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations, Turkey’s ambassador to
US Namik Tan was reported by Associated Press as saying.

`We have received some satisfactory messages. I hope that a new page
will open in the [normalization] process,’ said Tan, commenting on
Armenia-Turkey rapprochement.

He also referred to the unexpected decision by Israel’s Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, who declined his participation in the
above-mentioned summit.

Netanyahu had said he would not attend the summit as he was informed
that Turkey and representatives of other governments were planning to
raise issues related to Israel’s nuclear programs during the summit.

Namik Tan has denied that Turkey had such an intention.

`We do not have such issues on our agenda,’ Tan has said.


Hunanian Jack:
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