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Defense Army Soldier Can Defend Borders: Ohanyan


April 12 2010

Situation in the contact line has not changed, remaining stable. The
improvement of the defense line is underway, said RA Defense Minister
Seyran Ohanyan in the frames of governmental delegation’s visit
to military units, as well as contact line of NKR and Azerbaijani
armed forces.

According to him, our positions strengthen year by year, day by day
and Armenian soldiers serve in safer and more secure conditions.

"Presently, I can definitely say that defense army soldier is capable
of defending the borders," Ohanyan noted.

He also underlined that high combat readiness of the army is mainly
ensured both by quality, high morale of the troops and top level of
military expertise. "Thus, presently we managed to maintain balance of
forces. Moreover, we are able of defending ourselves and implementing
preventive measures," the minister emphasized.

Speaking of provocations of Azerbaijani snipers, Ohanyan stated that
only adequate actions of Armenian side can oppose them. "Units of
NKR defense army and RA armed forces return only sniper fire. I have
given strict instructions not to retaliate to desultory fire or use
the patrons in vain," Ohanyan said.

Topchian Jane:
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