Photographer Haik Kocharian Takes Viewers Through a Window

Africa Services Committee
429 West 127th
New York, NY 10027
Contact: Stephanie Kaplan
Tel: 212-222-3882, ext. 130
Fax: 212-222-7067
Email: [email protected]

Armenian Photographer, Haik Kocharian, Takes Viewers Through A Window in
Positive Kids 3: Through Their Eyes

African Services Committee, in collaboration with Armenian-born
photographer, Haik Kocharian, is proud to present Positive Kids 3: Through
Their Eyes, a photographic exhibition and cocktail reception benefiting
African Services Pediatric HIV programs in Ethiopia.

In collaboration with African Services Committee and The James Cohan
Gallery, Kocharian will present a photographic exhibition of from his recent
trip to Ethiopia. In the event’s third year, African Services Committee has
teamed up with Kocharian to put a face to the widening circle of children
and their families who against all odds are now thriving thanks to access to
HIV treatment and small business loans from African Services’ Positive Kids
events. Attendees will get a raw and inspiring look at the families
benefiting from the work of African Services’ through the lens of Kocharian,
and through the lens of the children – our `Positive Kids.’

`I have long had an interest in Ethiopia,’ Kocharian explains when asked
about his involvement in the project. `It has a lot of similarities to
Armenia, where I was born…the strong Christian Orthodox influence, its
similar alphabet, and land-locked geography. When I joined with African
Services a long-time dream and desire became a purpose.’

Since 2003, African Services Committee has worked on the frontlines of the
global HIV pandemic in Ethiopia. With three community-based HIV clinics in
operation, ASC has provided testing and care to over 80,000 people. The
success of these events has allowed them to dramatically scale-up Pediatric
HIV Programs; providing increased access to HIV testing, prevention,
treatment and care to the most vulnerable children living in areas with
little or no access to health services.

I would like people to have an opportunity to look through a window with
me,’ explains Kocharian about the exhibition. `We are showing simple stories
of children and their families as they struggle, yet they are looking
optimistically toward the future. I hope people will make an emotional
connection, and realize that at the core we are all the same, and we all
need each other. By reaching out and helping, we are all improving our own
lives, and ultimately creating a better world.’

Haik Kocharian is a multimedia artist working in photography, film and
music. Born in Armenia, he moved to New York in 1994 to pursue his artistic
aspirations. Kocharian’s work has been exhibited in notable venues around
the city including New York’s 92YTribeca, Robin Rice Gallery, Galerie
Mourlot, Village Quill Writer’s Space, Soho Photo Gallery, and the legendary
Puck Building. Additionally, his images have also been widely published in
international magazines such as Smithsonian Magazine, Elle, and Madame

For more information about Haik Kocharian visit
For information about Positive Kids 3 visit
veKids3.html, or contact:
Stephanie Kaplan, Communications Director at 212-222-3882, ext. 130.

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African Services Committee is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 and
dedicated to improving the health andself-sufficiency of the African
community in New York City and beyond. African Services provides health,
housing, legal,educational, and social services to over 10,000 newcomers
each year with programs that focus on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatmentand