Turkey Cannot Speak With Pre-Conditions To Armenia: Sargsyan



Armenia’s President Sezh Sargsyan visited Woodrow Wilson’s tomb in
the Washington National Cathedral. The President placed a wreath on
the tomb.

Afterwards Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with American-Armenians
elaborating on his meeting with the Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan.

Our correspondent in Washing ton says that Sargsyan said he had
told Erdogan that Armenia has not changed its approach over the
Armenia-Turkey normalization, that Turkey cannot speak with Armenia
with pre-conditions, and that Armenia will never allow anyone to
question the fact of Genocide.

"This morning I met with Turkish Prime Minister. Our approach has been
and remains very clear. Turkey cannot speak with pre-conditions to
Armenia. We will not simply allow that. We cannot allow the fact of
Armenian Genocide be a subject to examination or pretend that Turkey
can play a positive role in the Karabakh conflict settlement process.

Any new foreign policy line is subject to trial because we are passing
through an untrampled path. We are sure that Armenia will pass this
way with honor too," said Sargsyan.

Earlier a meeting took place between Serzh Sargsyan and Recep
Tayyip Erdogan in the framework of the World Nuclear Security
Summit. There were reports that the main issue on the agenda would be
the Armenia-Turkey normalization and the ratification of Armenia-Turkey

Besides Serzh Sargsyan Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan,
President’s Deputy Chief of Staff Vigen Sargsyan were participating
in the meeting.

>From the Turkish side together with Erdogan Turkish Foreign
Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Turkey’s Deputy Undersecretary Feridun
Sinirlioglu participated in the meeting that took place in a room
behind transparent windows in the background of the World Nuclear
Security Summit wallpaper.