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Serzh Sargsyan: Turkey Cannot Speak In The Language Of Preconditions


13.04.2010 15:57

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan rejected Turkey’s efforts to impose
preconditions on Armenia-Turkey dialogue, during remarks delivered
following a wreath laying ceremony honoring the life and legacy of
President Woodrow Wilson.

Speaking to hundreds of Armenian Americans gathered at the National
Cathedral, Sargsyan praised President Wilson’s 1919 call for a united
effort to ensure that "the Armenian people never suffer again." Ninety
five years later, countries around the world and organizations,
including those in the U.S., continue to carry on Wilson’s legacy,
stated Sargsyan, to prevent genocide and suffering through recognition
of the Armenian Genocide.

Noting his meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan earlier in the
day, Sargsyan reiterated opposition to Turkey-imposed preconditions
on Turkey-Armenia Protocol discussions. "Turkey cannot speak in
the language of preconditions to Armenia and the Armenian people,"
said Sargsyan, who went on to reject Turkey’s efforts to question
the historical truth of the Armenian Genocide, or inject itself in
the Nagorno Karabakh negotiation process.

During his visit to President Wilson’s tomb, Pres. Sargsyan greeted
Armenian Genocide survivors Rose Baboyian, Yeretsgeen Sirarpi
Khoyan and Lousadzeen Tatarian, who presented the President with
a letter urging him to continue the fight for Genocide recognition
and stand up for the rights of the Armenian people. Following the
wreath-laying ceremony, Sargsyan stood solemnly as Armenian American
clergy offered prayers in memory of President Wilson and honored the
victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide. Amongst the clergy in
attendance were His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of
the Armenian Apostolic Church of Eastern U.S.; His Eminence Archbishop
Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
of America (Eastern), and His Eminence Archbishop Vicken Aykazian,
Legate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), and
representatives of the Armenian Catholic and Evangelical communities.

Nahapetian Boris:
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