ANKARA: Turkish PM Says Necessary Messages Given On U.S. President’s


Journal of Turkish Weekly
rkish-pm-says-necessary-messages-given-on-u-s-pres ident-39-s-april-24-speech.html
April 14 2010

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that the
necessary messages were given regarding the speech to be delivered
by U.S. President Barack Obama on April 24 during his talks in
Washington D.C.

Attending the opening of an exhibition in the U.S. capital, Erdogan
replied to questions of reporters on his talks in USA.

Upon a question on his expectations from Obama’s speech on April 24,
Erdogan said, "I delivered a statement on this issue before.

Personally, I do not expect such a thing. I believe the necessary
messages have been mutually taken".

Noting that he had a 1.5-hour meeting with Armenian President Serzh
Sargsian the other day, Erdogan said the ongoing process between
Turkey and Armenia was on the agenda of his talks with Obama as well.

Commenting on Sargsian’s recent remarks in which he stated that "Turkey
could not use a pre-conditioned language while talking to Armenia",
Erdogan said, "In addition to the expression ‘without pre-conditions’,
the texts signed by Turkey and Armenia in Zurich also consisted of
a very important statement, which was establishment of regional peace".

Replying to a question on whether the border pass between Turkey and
Armenia would be re-opened, Erdogan said the border gate between the
two countries had been closed due to Armenia’s invasion of Azerbaijani
territory in 1993, adding that Turkey’s border with Armenia could
be opened if a settlement was reached and peace was provided in
that region.

"Turkey does not have the intention of forcing the opposite party
to accept the records of its memory. But in the same manner, other
countries cannot force Turkey to do such a thing either," the Turkish
prime minister said.

Regarding the developments concerning Iran, Erdogan said Turkey
desired to solve the issue through a diplomatic and democratic way.

Assessing the Nuclear Security Summit as well, Erdogan said measures
to be taken against nuclear terrorism and sanctions to be imposed on
such matter were on the agenda of the gathering.

Upon completing his talks, Erdogan departed from the U.S. capital
for Turkey.