BAKU: Turkey Should Move To Diplomatic Attacks On Armenia – Azerbaij

April 14, 2010

Elman Mammadov News.Az interviews Elman Mammadov, a deputy of the
Azerbaijani parliament and former chief of executive powers of Khojaly.

Are you satisfied with Turkey’s position in the issue of confrontation
to fictional "Armenian genocide"?

Turkey is a big and a strong country. But the policy conducted by
the current authorities of Turkey has weakened its importance in
the world. Armenia will pursue Turkey unless Turkey starts to run
away from Armenia. Turkey must not go on a leash of Armenia, it must
put pressure on Armenia. Turkey must not shelter more than 100,000
Armenian citizens, feed them and provide them with the opportunity to
earn money. Unfortunately, the Turkish premier (Recep Tayyip Erdogan)
speaks about it with a pride. Why does Turkey need to shelter more
than 100,000 illegal Armenians, feed them, establish four air flights
a week between Istanbul and Yerevan?

How can Azerbaijan and Turkey confront the claims of the Armenian
party about fictional "genocide" on the international arena?

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey must recognize the Khojaly
genocide. Turkey should do this to create a balance in the world
against mythical "Armenian genocide". The rest Turkic speaking
countries and other Muslim states must follow Turkey’s example to
create a definite balance between Christian and Muslim states. In
fact, different Christian clubs, either EU or the Council of Europe
are in a state of the Crusade against the Muslim countries. We should
resist this and this requires the unity of the Muslim world. Despite
existence of the Organization of Islamic Conference, there is no
Muslim unity there and this organization does not have any influence
on the international arena.

Which steps can Turkey take in case the US Congress adopts a resolution
on "Armenian genocide"?

Turkey has great opportunities in this issue. It can prohibit the
US military base on its territory. Turkey is NATO’s key to the East
and the overall control over the East. Therefore, Turkey can close
this door for NATO. Turkey may say to the West that such actions may
result in Turkey’s unwillingness to see Armenia as its neighbor. Thus,
Turkey can inform the West and they oblige it to take this step on
Armenia. It should be brought to the attention of the West that its
willingness to create the Armenian state in Turkey in the early last
century has resulted in 1915 events and the repetition of such acts
can prompt the same events.

Which effective steps should Azerbaijan authorities take for the
international recognition of the Khojaly genocide?

The Azerbaijani parliament has started to adopt political acts on the
recognition of the Khojaly genocide since 1992. Among these facts, it
is necessary to stress the resolution of Milli Medjlis of 24 February
1994 envisioning recognition of the Khojaly genocide. The work in
this direction continues both on the level of Milli Medjlis and the
government. But we should not stop and we must take more effective
means for the international recognition of the Khojaly genocide and
liberation of the occupied lands.

It is high time to pass from theoretical issues to practical actions,
especially in the direction of liberation of the occupied lands. In
other words, we must demonstrate our strength to the enemy. We
have this strength. By demonstrating this strength, we will show
the world that we are able to liberate the occupied lands and just
do not do it so far. How long will these negotiations last? These
negotiations have been held for more than 18 years and how long will
they continue? We are so far listening to the recommendations of the
UN, Council of Europe, OSCE, superpowers, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs
about the inadmissibility of war. But not a single part of our lands
have been liberated through these negotiations.

What is your opinion about establishment of terms by Azerbaijan for
holding peace talks on the Karabakh conflict settlement?

It is time for Azerbaijan, in particular, for Milli Medjlis to adopt
the statements to UN, OSCE, OSCE co-chairing states and the Council of
Europe. These statements must be prepared in the norm of notification
that these organizations will be responsible for the launch of war. We
must set the term in these documents that in case the occupied lands
are not liberated within, for example, a month or a year, Azerbaijan
will take effective measures in line with the international law,
in particular, it will use the forced way of the liberation of the
occupied lands.