Crossroads E-Newsletter – April 15, 2010

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168

April 15, 2010
Archbishop Oshagan attended the ceremony at the National Cathedral in
Washington, DC, on Monday, where Armenias President Serge Sarkisian
placed a wreath at the tomb of U.S. President Woodrow
Wilson. President Sarkisian arrived in Washington to attend the
Nuclear Security Summit which took place Monday and Tuesday. After
the brief ceremony, Mr. Sarkisian met with genocide survivors who
were present. In his comments he said, All of us together paid tribute
President Woodrow Wilsona person and a leader, who is and always will
be remembered by our people as a true friend of the Armenian nation.
In the aftermath of World War I, President Wilson was an
advocate for an independent Armenia which included three Armenian
provinces of the defeated Ottoman Empire (Erzerum, Bitlis, Van, and
north to the Black Sea port of Trabzon. The Treaty of Sevres, which
included Wilsons boundary of Armenia, was not ratified.

Commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and
Requiem Service, organized by the Eastern Prelacy with the
participation of community organizations will take place on Saturday,
April 24, 7 pm, at St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New
York City.
The Keynote Address will be delivered by the well-know
educator, writer and translator, Professor Peter Balakian. Professor
Balakians most recent publication is a translation of Armenian
Golgotha: A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1918 by Bishop
Grigoris Balakian. The 500-page memoir provides a vivid and
heart-wrenching eyewitness account of the Armenian Genocide.
The commemorative program will feature a theatrical
presentation compiled and coordinated by Dr. Herant Markarian, and the
Hamazkayin Childrens Choir, directed by Vagharsag Ohanyan. A solemn
Requiem Service will conclude the commemorative event.
Bus transportation from New Jersey at 5 pm from
Sts. Vartanantz Church, 461 Bergen
Boulevard, Ridgefield; and Armenian Presbyterian Church, 140 Forest
Avenue, Paramus.
Bus transportation from New York at 5 pm from Armenian Center,
69-23 47th Avenue, Woodside; Baruir Grocery, 40-07 Queens Boulevard,
The event, under the auspices of Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan,
is organized by the 95th Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee
which includes the following sponsors: Armenian Apostolic Church of
America, Eastern Prelacy; Exarchate of the Armenian Catholic Church;
Armenian Evangelical Church; Armenian Revolutionary Federation (NY &
NJ); Armenian Relief Society (NY & NJ); Armenian National Committee
(NY & NJ); Hamazkayin (NY & NJ); Homenetmen (NY & NJ); Armenian Youth
Federation (NY & NJ).
For information: [email protected]
(mailto:remember1915@gmail. com)

The annual commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the Genocide at
Times Square organized by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan and with
the co-sponsorship and participation of all the Armenian Churches and
organizations will take place on Sunday, April 25, beginning at 2
pm. There is free bus transportation to and from Times Square from all
New York and New Jersey Armenian Churches as well as from other
locations. For complete information:
The 24th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program, for
youth ages 13-18, is scheduled to take place at the St. Mary of
Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 25-July 4,
2010. The program is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education
Council (AREC). For more information click here (
4882/goto: /departments/arec/datev-institute
On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the
Eastern Prelacys St. Gregory of Datev Institute is organizing a
pilgrimage to Syria and Lebanon, from August 2 to August 16. For more
information click here (
4882/goto: /component/content/article/95-pilgrimage
His Holiness Aram I met with the new General Secretary of the World
Council of Churches (WCC), Rev. Dr. Olav Tveit, at the Ecumenical
Institute in Bossey, Switzerland. This was their first meeting and the
former Moderator of the WCC and the new General Secretary discussed
issues and concerns related to the Ecumenical Movement and the
WCC. His Holiness shared his ecumenical vision and experiences as
Moderator and the leader of an Orthodox member church. Dr. Tveit
shared his observations and plans in leading the WCC. The Catholicos
stressed the importance of interreligious dialogue and urged the
General Secretary to organize a follow-up to the 2005 consultations
entitled A Critical Moment in Interreligious Dialogue.
Beginning this past Monday (April 12) and continuing through to
Pentecost (May 23) in addition to other readings portions of the four
Gospels are read each day: Luke is read in the morning; John is read
at mid-day; Matthew is read at the beginning of the evening hour; and
Mark is read at the end of the evening hour.
Bible readings for today, Thursday, April 15 are: Luke
5:17-26; Acts 8:14-25; James 5:12-20; John 1:43-51; Matthew 6:1-21;
Mark 2:1-12.
Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be
seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven.
So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you,
as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that
they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received
their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in
secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they
love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so
that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received
their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the
door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who
sees in secret will reward you.
When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the
Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their
many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need
before you ask him.
Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your
name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as
we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For if you forgive others their trespasses,
your heavenly Father will also forgive your trespasses.
And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites,
for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are
fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when
you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your
fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret;
and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth
and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up
for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your
treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:1-21)
For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (
4882/goto: elacy/PDF/2010dbr-4.pdf
This Sunday, April 18, is Green Sunday (Ganach Giragee), also known as
Sunday of the World Church (Ashkharhamadoor). The concept of Green
Sunday most probably comes from an ancient folk holiday celebrating
spring. Our forefathers, seeing mother earth bloom after long winter
months, glorified the Creator with an act of thanksgiving and
celebrated by decorating the church and themselves with greenery. The
reawakening of nature is also symbolic of the Resurrection. Green is
the color of life, freshness and promise. After a barren winter we are
filled with hope, life, and love.
Green Sunday is also known as World Church Sunday in the sense
of the church belonging to the whole world beginning with Christ and
the Apostles who met regularly to pray and partake of the Holy
Sacraments of Communion. It is the appropriate time for us to remember
our obligations to be good stewards of the earth and the gifts that
have been given to us by God.
Today the multitudes of angels share in our celebration for the
heavenly King comes into the Holy Church. Rejoice and be exceedingly
glad, O Church, betrothed to God, for the Lord of Lords has chosen you
and been well pleased to live in you. Shine, shine O Universal Church,
for the Divine Light from the Father and Light has arisen on you and
has enlightened y our children.

>From the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Apostolic Church for
Sunday of the World Church (Green Sunday).
Women in the Bible, a new five-part Bible study will begin on
Wednesday, April 28. The study will focus on some of the female
characters in the grand biblical story of
Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council
(AREC) and St. Illuminators Armenian Cathedral, the classes will be
held at the Cathedral (221 E. 27th Street, New York City) on five
consecutive Wednesdays starting April 28 through May 26, 2010.
The classes will begin at 7:P15 pm with a presentation (45
minutes) followed by Q and discussion (45 minutes), conducted by
Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of AREC.
The program is free and open to the public. For registration
or information, contact the Cathedral office at 212-689-5880 or the
Prelacy office at 212-689-7810 or at [email protected]
The Religious and Executive Council of the Eastern Prelacy will meet
this Friday and Saturday at the Prelacy headquarters in New York City.
A commemorative exhibition, The Armenian Geocide95 Years Later, in
Remembrance, opened on April 1 and will continue through April 30, in
Providence, Rhode Island. The exhibition was produced in collaboration
with the University of Rhode Island, and is on display at URI
Feinstein Providence Campus Gallery, 80 Washington Street,
Providence. The exhibition curator is Berge Ara Zobian, director of
Gallery Z in Providence. The exhibit features the works of more than
50 professional artists and over 100 works of school-age children, as
well as theatrical productions and lectures. For information:
[email protected]
(ma ilto:[email protected]).
The New York Hamazkayin Literary Committee is presenting a DVD
presentation of Land of the Screaming Stones: A Pilgrimage to Western
Armenia, tomorrow evening, Friday, April 16, at 8:05 pm at the
Armenian Center, 69-23 47th Avenue, Woodside, New York.
The presentation is based on the trips made by His Eminence
Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, of blessed memory, who served as Prelate of
the Eastern Prelacy from 1978 to 1998. Along with pilgrims, including
scholars and historians, he takes us back to the ancestral home of the
Armenians. Nostalgic visits are made to many churches and monasteries,
most in ruins, where for the first time in decades beautiful Armenian
hymns fill the desolate churches and countryside. Admission is $5, per
person. All proceeds will be donated to the school in the village of
Moughni in Armenia, which was named in honor of Archbishop Mesrob.
The following urgent appeal was received from Sts. Vartanantz Church,
Ridgefield, New Jersey. Please read and distribute to your friends.

Irene Hamptian (Katrandjian)
is in desparate need of this bone marrow transplant. Her parents are
Hampy and Grace Hamptian, who are long time parishinors of Sts
Below is a letter from her daughter Olivia:
Dear Friends,
As some of you know, my mom is suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Peripheral
T-Cell Lymphoma, an aggressive and unpredictable form of blood
cancer. She has endured over six months of in-patient chemotherapy and
a debilitating bone marrow transplant, but somehow the disease has
At this point, her only chance for a cure is an allogeneic stem cell
transplant. In order to perform this procedure, the doctors need a
blood donor who is a genetic match, but currently, there are no
registered donors who qualify.
Anyone can be that match, and that is why I am writing to you today.
Joining the "Be The Match" registry is simple (see below), and
requires only a cotton swab to collect some cheek cells from the
inside of your mouth. If you are a match, your participation could
mean the gift of life to someone – like my mother – who is desperately
in need of your help.
Olivia Katrandjian

You must be 18 to 60 years old.
If you are a match, you will be asked to donate peripheral blood (from
your arm), just as you would if you were to give blood.
The recipient of a match, NOT the donor, incurs all costs.
4882/goto: 61=3384=0014GIOWXAepECobw8aUGnyYLVcCIzFOYSNCB1yOnJ cV4UvSrVq8LOLVsVDxb1xFBvAZ0yPqbvQ_Rq_-xkx2koAFhFIc Jl-yQI_lzNyN8FgzAdIEX84d0Mm0Q=). Click first on "Join the Registry" and then on "Join Now." Complete
the online form to order your registration kit, which will be sent to
you by mail. Follow the instructions in the kit to collect a sample of
cheek cells, and then return the kit in the addressed envelope that is
provided for you.
IN PERSON at a Recruitment Center. Go to (
4882/goto: 61=3384=0014GIOWXAepECobw8aUGnyYLVcCIzFOYSNCB1yOnJ cV4UvSrVq8LOLVsVDxb1xFBvAZ0yPqbvQ_Rq_-xkx2koAFhFIc Jl-yQI_lzNyN8FgzAdIEX84d0Mm0Q=) to find a recruitment center near you.
IN PERSON at a BE THE MATCH drive near you. Go to (
4882/goto: 61=3384=0014GIOWXAepECobw8aUGnyYLVcCIzFOYSNCB1yOnJ cV4UvSrVq8LOLVsVDxb1xFBvAZ0yPqbvQ_Rq_-xkx2koAFhFIc Jl-yQI_lzNyN8FgzAdIEX84d0Mm0Q=) to find a date and location.
The following recruitment center exists in Bergen County, New Jersey:

The HLA Registry
A Division of Community Blood Services
800 Kinderkamack Road, Suite 300
Oradell, New Jersey 07649
(201) 705-1604
4882/goto: 61=3384=0014GIOWXAepEBXu5BgIgcO71WYMjbcWlZDgJ5fVHu 5pUTKy5SQnQ9FR6maapEJMayvnvE2OfjswcMfiTB34TWMm0GV1 UZZ6vCYcJcLndZ1EOuyOK99ektm5nipiwZsnId6

April 17St. Stephen s Ladies Guild, Watertown, Massachusetts,
presents jazzy evening featuring Sandi Bedrosian jazz ensemble, 6 pm,
church hall. $35 per person. Contact [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]) or Yeretzgin Baljian,
781-209-1915. Reservations only.
April 17Ladies Guild New England Regional Seminar hosted
Sts. Vartanantz Church (Providence) Ladies Guild and the National
Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG), 9 am. Guest speaker: Shakay
Kizirian. Topic: Survival (A Womans Story). For information: Joyce
Bagdasarian, 401-434-4467 or [email protected].
April 18ARS Mayr and Erebouni Chapters sponsor Walk-Armenia to benefit
Camp Haiastan. Registration at St. Sarkis Church, 38-65 234th Street,
Douglaston, New York, starts at 12 noon, $25 fee. Walk begins 1
pm. For information 516-330-5290 (Hasmik); 516-739-0805 (Nayda).
April 18Health Expo 2010, To Your Health, St. Sarkis Church, 38-65
234th St., Douglaston, New York, 1 pm to 6 pm. Free tests, counseling,
information on medical conditions, mini-lectures on current health
issues. For information: Dr. Arthur Kubikian 718-786-3842.
April 24Commemoration of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide, organized by the Eastern Prelacy with the participation of
community organizations, 7 pm at St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York
City. Keynote speaker: Professor Peter Balakian.
April 28First of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
May 1New York State Theatre Institute presents Silence in a Circular
Rainbow, a staged reading of a play by Herand Markarian at the James
L. Meader Little Theatre, Troy, New York. For information about bus
transportation: Sonia 917-679-6992; Anahid 917-751-4916; Rita
May 1Third Annual Silent Auction and Wine Tasting, Holy Trinity
Church, 635 Grove St., Worcester, Massachusetts, 7 pm to 10 pm. Join
us for hors doeurves, wine and a fun-filled night. General admission
$20; students $15. For information: 508-852-2414 or visit web site
(mailto:a [email protected])), or send email to
[email protected]
(mailto:arm [email protected]).
May 2Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon sponsored by Ladies Guild of
St. Gregory Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, Jaffarian Hall, 158
Main Street, North Andover.
May 5Second of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored b7y the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council
and St. Illuminators Cathedral.
May 10Mothers Day luncheon sponsored by the Prelacy Ladies Guild, New
York Palace, 455 Madison Avenue, New York City. Reception at 12 noon;
lunch at 1 pm.
May 12Third of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
May 13 to 16National Representative Assembly hosted by St.
Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, and St. Sarkis Church,
Douglaston, New York.
May 13-14NALG Annual Conference in conjunction with the NRA, Crowne
Plaza, LaGuardia Airport Hotel. For information Mary Derderian,
781-762-4253, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
May 19Fourth of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, 7:15 pm. Sponsored by the
Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and St. Illuminators
May 22Divine Liturgy and annual banquet, presided by His Grace Bishop
Anoushavan Tanielian, St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
May 2375th Anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity Church, Worcester,
Massachusetts, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Worcester. For information: 508-852-2414.
May 26Fifth and final Bible study on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
June 12Food Festival sponsored by Ladies Guild of St. Gregory Church,
Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts.
June 25-July 424th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer
Program for youth ages 13 to 18, at St. Mary of Providence Center,
Elverson, Pennsylvania.
July 17A Hye Summer Night V, dance hosted by Ladies Guild of
Sts. Vartanantz Church and ARS Ani Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island,
at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Cranston,
Rhode Island. For tickets and information: Joyce Bagdasarian
(401-434-4467) or Joyce Yeremian. (401-354-8770).
August 15Annual picnic of St. Stephen Church, Watertown,
Massachusetts, at Camp Haiastan, Franklin, Massachusetts (12 noon to 5
pm). For information: 617-924-7562.
August 22Annual picnic of St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
October 8-10The Eastern Prelacys Linked In workshop weekend for young
adults at Holy Virgin Marys Spiritual Vineyard, Charlton,

Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
add [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to
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Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
credit Crossroads as the source.

Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])