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"I Do Not Wish To Work In Another Team" (fwd)


April 14 2010

"In politics I see my place in Serzh Sargsyan’s team. I have been
appointed a head of police department by President Serzh Sargsyan
and I can pass no alternative through my mind," Alik Sargsyan, the
head of the police department stated today.

"I have considered that I have been appointed in this position due
to my work and will continue working with honor and then will leave
for pension," he said and mentioned that for him the most important
thing is that there was a stable situation in the country.

"The police will not allow the social order to be disturbed. This will
be my work and not protecting the authorities or this or that political
parties or forces. I protect only the stability of the statehood and
the social order. I don’t want to know anything else. As you see I
am not included in the politics," he said and added that he realizes
what the head of the state orders.

"How a person can work with the president and think that he is not
in the team of the president. But my goal number one is to protect
the interests of the people and I will keep protecting them," he said.

Turning to the internal political developments, A. Sargsyan mentioned
that today in the political sphere of the Armenian Republic there is
not a single political force which dreams come to power by force.

"Our opposition too assesses the situation correctly. You can see
which way of struggle has chosen it, it’s a civic way, which I always
welcome," he said.

The head of the police department noticed that his department knows
about the procession to be organized on April 16 and assured that it
will pass in a normal atmosphere, especially, because it will be held
on the day of the police.

Madatian Greg:
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