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Ruben Melkonyan: Yerevan And Ankara Test Each Other’s Firmness


April 14, 2010 – 17:43 AMT 12:43 GMT

Turkologist Ruben Melkonyan said that the process of normalization of
the Armenian-Turkish relations reminds going round in circles. There
is not any progress in ratification of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols,
Melkonyan told a press conference in Yerevan. "It is possible that,
if the Turkish side continues the imitation policy, Armenia will
withdraw its signature under the Protocols. But this issue depends
on a political expediency," he said.

According to him, currently a struggle of nerves is taking place
between Yerevan and Ankara – the sides test each other’s firmness. The
Turkologist noted that, judging from this, it would be incorrect,
if Armenia becomes the first to yield its position. "I strongly
believe that Turkish politicians will toughen their stance towards
ratification of the Protocols after April 24. They will try to force
Armenia to commit errors," said Melkonyan.

According to him, the Turkish Prime Minister’s statement about
deportation of illegal Armenian immigrants shall be viewed within this
context. The expert warned that one should not treat this statement
as a threat, since the deportation of 12,000 Greeks in 1964 proves
that Ankara may take such a step.

Melkonyan added that Ankara will be responsible for failure in the
Armenian-Turkish dialogue and its reputation will suffer significantly.

Toganian Liana:
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