Very Important Visit: Nalbandyan’s Briefing In Washington


Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan has summarized the results
of the meetings in Washington at a briefing with journalists in US.

– It was a very important visit. Recently friendly relations have been
established between Armenia and US. The meetings were important both
in terms of strengthening bilateral relations and discussing regional
and international issues that both sides are concerned about…

– At what stage has the Armenia-Turkey normalization reached after
the Washington meeting?

– Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with the Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it possible to have a clear idea
about Turkey’s stance …

– To what extent was the Karabakh issue discussed at the meeting
with Erdogan?

– The Turkish side was trying to hold discussions on the Karabakh
theme, and the response was what it has been so far: Armenia-Turkey
normalization should not be linked to the Karabakh settlement …

First of all Turkey cannot be a mediator in the NK [Nagorno Karabakh]
settlement process. Secondly, Armenia will never make concessions
over the Karabakh issue for the sake of Armenia-Turkey normalization
… If Turkey does not want to fail this process, it should show
very quickly in practice that it is ready to ratify the Protocols
and establish relations.